CopyWriting Tips, Best Practices & Resources

5 Copywriting tips for beginners:

  1. Desire is much more important than a degree
  2. Master short-form copy first
  3. Spend 80% on research, 20% writing
  4. Write the way you talk. Write for one person.
  5. Build your own swipe files. Research how others have written.

7 Easy Copywriting Tricks

  1. Write Your Outline First -
  2. Write sub-headline before body copy
  3. Write Your First Draft As Quickly As Possible Without worrying about being perfect - just write as fast as possible.
  4. Let your work breathe - after finish writing the first draft, leave it without thinking about it for a certain time
  5. Eliminate Fluffy words - replace, edit, shorten, and...
  6. Shorten your Paragraph
  7. Reading Your copy out loud  

Features vs Needs

Needs are more powerful than features

Tools for Copywriting Help
CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer

Resourceful Website for Copywriting Examples
Read and write the copywriting examples on the paper.

Websites for the Research of your Content

What Does a Copy Writer Do? Job Types.

Copywriting VS Content Writing

Copywriting Examples


